By Tiara James

Mankind and the rat have been at odds for thousands of years. Rats spread disease, eat our crops, leave droppings and make nests in our storage areas, and infest our homes. Rodent removal services are an important part of pest extermination even now in the 21st century. Rat poison can obtained in most hardware stores, grocery stores, and even for free from city agencies in some areas. While one may want to get rid of rats, one certainly does not want a hazard to the children or pets of the family. Research continues to create a product that fits this bill but in the meantime one should be aware of the signs of rat poisoning particularly if your pet travels with you to places outside the home where bait may be left out.


1. Rats tend to be cautious and mice are more curious.

2. Rats tend to eat most of their food at one time.


3. Mice while being nibblers eating many times at different places.

4. It is important to remove their food sources-but do not disturb the rodent habitat, until a complete knockdown and elimination occurs before they could move to another area.

5. A successful rodent control program includes a combination of baiting and trapping for the highest rate of success.

You may also want to consider integrating your program ,with exclusion techniques and a general cleanup ,removal of their hiding places(harboraging areas.). If the population is large, you will want to begin with a high quality rodent bait, to quickly knock down a population and prevent rapid growth.

There are different types of baits to choose from: blocks, pellets, seeds ; each rodent population is different in their preferences, so a little of each is a good choice in bait selections.

When baiting intially , try not to disturb their original habitats or they may run to another area.

After baiting has begun, continue with sanitation procedures, food source removal, and harborage removal to ensure additional rodents from nearby areas are not attracted to your location

About the Author: Mankind and


has been at odds for thousands of years. Find out About

Poison Rat




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